
After a few suggestions to start a blog such as this, here it is, friends! (You know who you are.)

Expect some fairly random posting, no schedules here, just inspiration when it hits. Your input, suggestions, comments, etc. are always welcome – I look forward to connecting with other people who get as excited as I do about this stuff!

As I noted in my profile, unless otherwise stated in my posts, I am in no way connected to the companies or products reviewed, nor do I receive any form of compensation from those companies.


July 15, 2011. Tags: . Art Supplies.


  1. Keith Artz replied:

    Hi Susan-
    Take a look at the new Blick, fall catalog, page three, lower left corner.. There is jar with a grater in the lid. It is called a Grate ‘n Shake. After listening to you on Thursday about trying to get shavings of Neo-Color II,I thought you might be interested.

    See you in a couple of weeks.



    • Art Toys replied:

      Many thanks for the tip, Keith! That does look promising!

      See you soon!


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